I'm here, who else could it be, unless there is someone who knows my email and the password. May 16, is the turning point of my life.
"RM 0.20 UPU:-ic- Tahniah, anda berjaya ditawarkan program E0001 di UITM....."
I got in to UITM ! Alhamdulillah, i got the offer from the second choice. UITM campus Dengkil-to be precised. wow man..'I'll be leaving Perlis soon, and that's what i dream for!'. Need to daftar on 22 May so I thought daftar, then balik, BUT THEN, I ACTUALLY NEED TO LIVE THERE, Ingatkan masuk U on September rupanya masuk on 22 May.i.was.so.freaking.shocked. Like, ' i need to leave that soon???' but at the same time, aku excited. Because i finally will experience the university life.I google-d pasal the campus, and it looks nice on the Internet ( and in real life too !)
on May 22, Najat and I pun pergi daftar on 3 something p.m. We requested for same room, and we got it.lucky fudge >.<. so basically, Kolej kediaman for girls is called Dahlia, and Tualang for boys. oldskool. After kemas our room, we need to siap siap for that petang's activity, which i forgot at 5.We back to our room at 1:30 am. "k guys esok, bangun pukul 4.30, kumpul di sini pukul 5" . oh.my.cake! i mean, 'WHATTTTTT YOU WANT US TO WAKE UP THAT EARLY WHEN YOU LEPAS US TO OUR BILIK AT 130 A.M.? ARE YOU KIDDING ME SIR ?????' . yah. i said that dalam hati ja la.Kena ikut cakap senior-
May 23 (second day of MDS); us,-probably just me, with barai feat eye bags feat dark circles, woke up at 4.15 a.m. and got ready for that day's activities-one of them is taking photo.I look so pretty on my student card -,- (being sarcastic-if u dont speak sarcasm).But i didnt even bother to retake the photo because i was so tired.I,basically, took nap like all the time;masa nak tunggu turn my group untuk gerak to places.I can sleep anywhere bruh.Hidden talent.And, something happened.I dont remember where I put my phone masa tengah take photo.I was so cuak. I was about to cry but I held it.After report it to pmds, they found it.Alhamdulillah.Syukur. I dont know what should I do if I lost it.
May 24 (third day of MDS in which LAST DAY); we just, did stuff. I forgot, apparently.I guess ceramah macam macam. On 4.35 p.m., my aunt sent me a text, saying that she's here, to pick me up and i was like, wahhhh that soon.So aku pun tak senang duduk throughout the ceramah.Habis ja ceramah at 5, I terus pecut to the house and pack my stuff.sampai lupa plan nak take photo dengan housemates.
To conclude,MDS is fun lah.Even i slept like, all the time #sleepingbeauty. I met new people from other states.Be there, the stakes are high.All brainy kids (not me) were dikumpulkan di satu tempat.New challengers, place, environment.
i hope, i get through this pecah-kepala-year. strive for excellence. 4flat in hand, and i ll get everything i want. InsyaAllah.
'Impossible is not a scientific term' . To make it possible, i need to work harder, usaha. doa. tawakal. Semoga,
p/s: i got cuti for 13 days.So i bukak puasa with my family 💗💗💗 and tomorrow at 8.55 p.m, i ll fly to kl! haih time flies so fast !
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