a lil bit of tb

hey !

So, trial exam is finally over. pheww ! Throughout the weeks sangatlah scary sampai there was one time i forgot nak makan sebab asyik sangat baca buku. Yala, sapa la tak takut, bukan exam biasa, but,there s always buts hehe

a week before trial, i had decided nak join performing for KEJORA MRSM which 

was held at UiTM Arau. well i made that decision sebab aku baru tau tarikh RED SONATA last minute and aku ingat date RED SONATA dekat dengan trial but it was a month away !!!! geram gila,. so disebabkan rasa kecewa, maka aku pun join lah DCSMB untuk perform di UiTM.

oh since aku baik, aku tak ponteng le extra classes.


ho here 's some pics

and here is our BAND MAJOR 

the show was quite okay la but still fun la even kau kena berdiri lama gila sebab tunggu VVIP, dengan instrument lagi haaa but, tabah ja la. THE PERKS OF BEING BAND KID . memang cenggini. maka selesai ja show, aku back to my routine. Wake up, go to school, attend extra classes\tuition and stuff. 

and then, August 15, day 1 of trial exam.






and and andddd last two weeks, me and my friends were qualified to the next level of SPELL-IT-RIGHT COMPETITION ! we were the top 100 out of hundreds students participated from the first round. i can say that we were lucky tho.

i feel so excited as this was the second time i was qualified to the next level (last year tak top 100 :[ ). and 2016 is my third year joining SIR. even kalah , but untuk pengalaman, it was worth ot after all. and, esok nya aku ada exam Bio. nice. 

well um, ok 

because why not 

my bestfriend and i 

there was a cute boy from MRSM hekhekkk 

sambil typing, teringat pulak pasal results trial. haih.. wish me luck. wish us luck.. 

well i guess, this is the end, so



p/s: here is our official Instagram account

do follow


selamat hari raya haji uols,
my kampung squad, 


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