
Showing posts from 2016


Here I am once again. Last December 7 I not-so-called-invited-cause i paid for it; to a PROM . Ya we can call it a prom. I guess.  A prom . It was held at The Putra Regency . Theme was Sweet & Classy.  (photo belongs to Syazani) Derma Grand Gala Night. It was lit ! I super super love the backdrop, the decorations, and of course the food; we had ayam rempah, sotong masak kunyit, gulai daging, air asam and some fruits.  Everyone looked so wow ! Wearing tux, the boys cut a dash malam tu. While the girls dressed up to the nines . Nasib baik la i bought new outfit sebab kalau tak, i would be the most selekeh , as i already am.  The dinner started with Adib's ucapan. *we can call it ucapan even though he was aaaa gugup i guess. Then suddenly the lights were off.And a song-that-i-dunno-the tittle was played.  I saw everyone turning on their torch/flash. Pastu Faiz walked towards someone in mint dress, with a bouquet of fleur (flower) *ro...

But that's okay

So. What a shoking news. But that's okay. I'll be alright. I know I've been pushing you away, with my attitude. Siapa tak sakit hati ? But that's okay. Sebab I know who am I. I'm not even an average girl. Aku tak cantik macam dia, aku tak tinggi macam dia, aku tak fair macam dia. And tak kisah macam mana aku fight dengan dia dalam academic, dia tetap jadi your choice sebab that's all doesnt matter to you. Betul kan apa yang aku penah cakap. We love because of its/ones beauty, value . Well ada juga because of ones attitude. Tapi jarang nak jumpa.  I thought masa I accepted you back, you have changed but I was wrong. People keep changing, bettering themselves but it is an exceptional untuk kau, Kau tak pernah berubah. Always always and always give hopes. Tak salah la few days ago aku decided nak leave dari kau. Just like I did months backs. Ya . Just like what I did. Aku sedih in fact, sangat sedih. Tapi apa kan daya kan. Just embrace the fact ja lah. Tha...

What did I do

Assalamualaikum it s me. again. Today is December 5 and all I did was nothing. NOTHING AT ALL . I just helping out designing the backdrop/photo booth for my cousin's wedding. Also in which i cried aka potong bawang. tonnes of bawang. Other than that, hmmm . none. I dont even start to clean up my room yet. Stress gila sebab there are so much things in my room. Padan muka☹ Aku tangguh nak clean the room dari exam midyear lagi. Lazy me . Huh. And mom dah nag ' go clean your room la. Nak bukak almari pun susah ' . Lets just pray yang esok aku rajin and clean up those mess. Honestly i hate my color bilik. It s purple. PURPLE WHICH i hate it but somehow this same color look nice for my cousin's room . Ah maybe bilik aku just way too messy. I gotta  kumpul all the kertas and books and send them to recycle centre. Money money . And that is what i have planned so far. oh ! On November 6 Anas suggested that we should get a komuter to go to AC untuk cari stuffs fot Gala N...

Elvis has left the building !

Asalamualaikum . Guess what, November 29 : THE LAST DAY OF SPM WHICH IS TODAYYYYYY !!!! sesungguhnya masa jawab chem tadi tersenyum ja. Like Sir Lee said, ALL OUT jawab chem. And i did , kot. haha But i did try the best. Now i can let my hair down and enjoy the marathonssss ! means the need-to-watch-kdrama-list . Well this is my kind of marathon. Even so, I'm pretty sure mom wont let me bermalasan during these 6-months-break-from-studying (before masuk matrik/U fingercrossed semoga dapat tawaran). Throughout a month SPM, the main topic kat rumah is " Hows this this this?" " Easier than trial aa ?" , but now since SPM is over now, the main topic dramatically change to " Ha cari la kerja cepat sikit " " Takmau keja here there and blabla " . Like seriously, mom -_- But thats ok lah. She wants me to have my own pocket money so that nanti i can buy things guna duit sendiri.. huhu Mulled over my future is kinda scary. I dont know ...

All about that Band

Assalamualaikum. Right after habis trial, I was invited to a Farewell Dinner for the Seniors . Terharu uols . Tak terfikir pun other Bandies nak buat dinner for us. The theme was RED CARPET which is lit ! (fire emoji) . Since this was my last dinner with them, maka naik meroyan aku nak decide what to wear. And lastly, I chose Plain pink jubah that was last minute-dijahit manik. Oh the balloons were attached with pictures . Haih.. What a gay old time... The food was good, the performance was nice, and the deco was super cool. I forgot snap gambar the food because i was busy eating. okayyy back at it again Make up by my Aunt cause im like,know nothing in make up-ing. It took 2 hours TT_TT and that was the longest time aku sit and do nothing.  Bandies wishing "Good Luck' to Fivers . You're welcome to watch it here or visit  Bandies  for more The Seniors Standing from left to right : Afif (trumpeter), Adib (mellophonist)...

a lil bit of tb

hey ! So, trial exam is finally over. pheww ! Throughout the weeks sangatlah scary sampai there was one time i forgot nak makan sebab asyik sangat baca buku. Yala, sapa la tak takut, bukan exam biasa, but,there s always buts hehe a week before trial, i had decided nak join performing for KEJORA MRSM which  was held at UiTM Arau. well i made that decision sebab aku baru tau tarikh RED SONATA last minute and aku ingat date RED SONATA dekat dengan trial but it was a month away !!!! geram gila,. so disebabkan rasa kecewa, maka aku pun join lah DCSMB untuk perform di UiTM. oh since aku baik, aku tak ponteng le extra classes. oceyy.. ho here 's some pics and here is our BAND MAJOR  the show was quite okay la but still fun la even kau kena berdiri lama gila sebab tunggu VVIP, dengan instrument lagi haaa but, tabah ja la. THE PERKS OF BEING BAND KID . memang cenggini. maka selesai ja show, aku back to my...